
Manuel Gonzamonte on Motivation and Growth

In People by Regina García

Manuel is a two-time TEDx speaker who shares his knowledge for success by helping people achieve their goals through specific mental tools. His studies on neuroscience and mental strategies have enabled him to unlock the potential of others, offering free resources and helping hundreds of people transform their futures. Get to know more about him in this interview.

Name: Manuel Gonzamonte

Instagram: @manuelgonzamonte

I draw inspiration from: All the greats who shaped my thinking and provided me with the tools to courageously pursue my goals have given me invaluable mental resources. These tools have helped me navigate and overcome my toughest times.

My greatest career achievement thus far is: Doing two TEDx talks, and helping my family and friends achieve what they want!

My work is meaningful because: We all have desires for a better life—whether it’s feeling better, achieving more, giving more, finding peace, discovering true love, or finding fulfillment. However, we often lack the tools to achieve these goals. My work focuses on providing the essential mental tools individuals need to realize their aspirations. I guide people through the necessary activities to attain these desires. Over the past 14 years, I have dedicated myself to studying and mastering the practical knowledge required to achieve these fundamental human goals, and I’ve been blessed to help hundreds of wonderful humans achieve what they want. 

I give back by… I offer invaluable tools and knowledge to help everyone in their daily lives, all of which are free and easily accessible through my social media platforms. Additionally, I develop programs for non-profit organizations, creating mental health protocols and devising strategies to make their systems more efficient.

My favorite way of helping is… Whenever I have the time, I love doing free public speaking events on inspirational and motivational topics. Sometimes, all we need is the right spark to ignite our potential.

I would never… Stop growing, you’re either growing or you’re dying. You see it everywhere: people who remain the same year after year, tiptoeing to their graves, always complaining or being negative. Our greatest gift as humans is our capacity to grow. We have the ability to constantly become an upgraded version of ourselves.

Best advice I’ve received… Only take advice from people that already have what you’re looking for!

My favorite place I’ve visited…  I’ve visited many countries, but nothing compares to visiting my Grandma’s house 

My top 3 bucket list destinations: Whistler British Columbia, Canada, Torres del Paine National Park, Chile, Sintra, Portugal

What is your TEDx Talk about?

My TEDx talk is about understanding and leveraging our brain’s chemistry to help us stay motivated and disciplined to achieve our goals. Most people don’t know that  we can change our brain’s inner chemistry using something called Self directed neuroplasticity. I tell stories about how my life was before and after understanding this, and how other people can do the same to better their lives. 

How would you describe the TEDx Talk experience? 

It was magical and rewarding. Being on that stage helps you understand the power of a message and the impact of a platform to share it.

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