Ya sea a un rincón desconocido del mundo o a una gran ciudad repleta de rascacielos, nosotros siempre queremos seguir viajando y llenando nuestra vida de aventura. Aquí le presentamos una recopilación de nuestras 10 fotos favoritas de Instagram de la semana, la cual incluye, por supuesto, algunas fotos de nuestro lugar favorito: México.
1. Marrakech, Marruecos
2. La ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York
Finally had a bit of snow today #nyc A photo posted by Eva Tsang (@thetrottergirl) on
3. Palos Verdes, California
4. San José del Cabo, México
80 degrees of happiness #cabo A photo posted by Suz (@suzzukis) on
5. Hong Kong, China
6. Rovaniemi, Finlandia
Ice hotels: now featuring chandelier dinners, ice bars, indoor slides, and gorgeous sculptures. I had wanted to visit one ever since seeing how they are made on TV years ago. Well 10 years later, finally made it to the Arctic and checked one out. Too cool. #Rovaniemi (?: @backpackersteve) A photo posted by Kristin Addis (@bemytravelmuse) on
7. San Simeon, California
8. Singapur
While the world is enjoying the cold winter, Singapore is preparing for Chinese New Year? #WHPLocalLens A photo posted by Jeryl (@smilewithjeryl) on
9. Sedona, Arizona
10. Oahu, Hawaii
Patiently awaiting the return of my sister!! Ready to paint some pictures by pushing a button with my best friend :). God has blessed me with such a great start to 2016… Can’t wait to see the rest of it!! Aloha-GE A photo posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ GE Keoni † (@ge_keoni) on