Ya sea a un rincón desconocido del mundo o a una gran ciudad repleta de rascacielos, nosotros siempre queremos seguir viajando y llenando nuestra vida de aventura. Aquí le presentamos una recopilación de nuestras 10 fotos favoritas de Instagram de la semana, la cual incluye, por supuesto, algunas fotos de nuestro lugar favorito: México.
1. Río de Janeiro, Brasil
2. Positano, Italia
3. Hong Kong, China
4. Honolulu, Hawai
5. Yogyakarta, Indonesia
6. Sierra de Uinta, Utah
My grandma used to have this little embroidered picture that said, "if you're lucky enough to live by the mountains, you're lucky enough." Yesterday, as I hiked Bald Mountain up in the Uintas with @_prozack_, @jardozer, and @jacki.legs, I kept thinking about how lucky I am to live in such an incredible place and get to experience the outdoors in ways that so many aren't able to. And I still can't get over how lucky I am to have this incredible, brave, adventurous girl in my life who's willing to scramble up rocks to the top of 12,000 ft peaks (like this one) with me. I'm so thankful she was raised in family where she learned to appreciate the outdoors in the way I've learned to. The outdoors are what got me in to photography and the outdoors are what's going to keep me doing it.
A photo posted by Kyle Sipple (@kylypso) on Aug 7, 2016 at 2:51pm PDT
7. Bali, Indonesia
8. Chiang Mai, Tailandia
9. Dolomites, Italia
10. Puerto Vallarta, México