Behind every work of art there is always a story to tell; it is not coincidental that each element, each color or each shape is exactly where they are, and everything responds to an idea, a concept or the need to express something. Mariana’s story is sincere, encouraging and inspiring; there is nothing more beautiful than to see people doing and enjoying what makes them happy human beings.
Can you tell us about yourself and how was your love for art born?
For as long as I can remember I have liked painting; I collected and painted all the boxes and plastics that I found in my house and I remember how much that made my mom desperate. My parents, although they didn´t paint, they always encouraged me a lot to continue doing it.
I have always considered it a very personal moment, a way to connect and disconnect at the same time. I studied Graphic Design and that gave me solid bases; I tried to dedicate myself to that profession but I was not full-filled and I felt frustrated. I put my passion aside for some time and although it might seem negative I think that everything has its time, because during that period I worked in sales and that gave me a lot of knowledge on how to value your own work, how to sell and to believe in your product and to be able to expose it. After a while I simply felt that the time had come to return to what I was passionate about, so I prepared myself, took up the bases that I had and learned new techniques; this time I was completely determined and that was all the difference.
When you focus on what you really are and what you want, the road opens itself. First, I was invited to illustrate a book, then to intervene some wines, then to design characters, design worlds and between practice and experiments I was creating my own style. I began to paint on the canvas a doll named Carmela along with other animals, which appear in all of my work and I liked what they represented together. I think we are all born with love for art and it is the result of doing what we are passionate about.
What inspires you and what are you passionate about?
I am inspired by the world we live in and the connections we can create. Nature is a great way to reflect our actions or decisions in a less direct way and we can learn infinitely from it. In my work I seek to focus on the most positive aspects that we have of ourselves and as a society. I am passionate about the simple fact of knowing that we are creators and it is within us the possibility of building an extraordinary life.
Which techniques do you use?
I really like to sketch and plan digitally; I paint my work with gouache, watercolor and pastels, but my favorite technique is acrylic and gold leaf.
What is behind each collection?
The search to belong, to connect, to focus on what unites us to ourselves or to others. I am interested in highlighting that we must not have an already imposed way of being, and that we are made from a spiritual and an earthly part, that is why I make black divisions with Mexican colors and other golden ones.
What sets you apart as an artist?
I seek to build a better reality, focusing on what makes us great; I try to put a little love in the world.
How is Mexico reflected in your work?
I use a lot the Mexican colors that represent all our happiness and folklore. Sometimes I paint Mexican fauna but mainly the appearance of Carmela, the Mexican doll that plays as an extension of me and the viewer.